ILLiad Known Issues
3 results found
The Process Copyright batch process form does not allow processing of items in "Awaiting Copyright Processing - Pipeline" The batch Copyright Clearance processing form would check to see if the request was at the 'Awaiting Copyright Clearance' status to ensure the request wasn't being processed by someone else simultaneously. When checking for the status of the request, ILLiad should have considered the 'Awaiting Copyright Clearance - Pipeline' status to also be a valid status. Instead, this status was seen as invalid and would prevent latter requests from being processed.
Bug# 49300 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1.2
Recommended Action Tooltip is not updating The Recommended Action Tooltip is not updating when hovering over the Select Recommended Action button on the Pipeline Request Review form.
Bug# 56430 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
DSP isn't utilzing custom queues as target options for SharedServer Custom queues are not added to the list of business rules as possible targets for shared server installations when utilizing the Decision Support Pipeline feature.
Bug# 49610 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1.2