ILLiad Ideas
523 results found
Update the ILLiad AutoRenewals Server Addon to send Rapid renewal requests as well as OCLC renewal requests Now that Rapid can handle renewals, we're spending a fair bit of staff time having to manually open requests and send the renewals to Rapid (since as another UserVoice idea points out, there's a button to send all OCLC renewals but it doesn't cover Rapid, this is a particularly large amount of manual clicking).
The ILLiad AutoRenewals Server Addon ( has been doing a great job of sending OCLC renewal requests automatically for us. Could it be updated to include Rapid renewal requests as well?
10 votes -
Single Accessible Coversheet Interlibary loan articles often fail accessibility checkers when they are uploaded to a learning management system with the coversheet. Articles posted without a coversheet also fail to meet accessibility standards. If ILLiad created a standard coversheet, that meets accessibility standards, all libraries could use this document and help their faculty improve accessibility of shared materials.
18 votes -
Summary Notification Provide weekly summaries to patrons for all items checked out to that patron, separating and highlighting items that are overdue
6 votes -
Allow customization of which OCLC subfields populate requests OCLC has recently rolled out URIs in their various author/creator fields (100/700/etc.), which is causing many author names to be pulled into ILLiad with long website addresses that clutter our paperwork. It would be helpful if we could choose which subfields from OCLC records we wanted to import, so that we could suppress subfield 1 in the author field. Ideally, this would work both for the "Copy Info" button and for the mechanism that populates the OCLC request form, so that we could automatically avoid sending the URIs out to our lending partners as well.
36 votes -
Track flag history along with status history of each request It would be really useful at our library to be able to track flag history in the Staff Client along with status/queue history of each request. We would love to see what flags have historically been added to a request, and when and by whom they were added and removed.
There are several flags in our system that stay on requests indefinitely because that's the only way we can identify and run reports on those requests specifically. There are also many times it would be useful to see who applied a flag to a given request so that follow-up clarifying…
5 votes -
Allow customization of shortcut actions Staff will perform the actions that produce "shortcut" actions in ILLiad accidentally. These should be able to be customized or turned off to prevent accidental prompting of processing steps. (
5 votes -
Allow request sent to repopulate current GUI When working on Awaiting Request Processing the "Request Sent" button closes the current request and requires manual opening of the next requests.
It would be nice for the option to have "Request Sent" just repopulate the current UI elements similar to the already implemented arrows at the top left.
Perhaps with a small visual cue to allow for you to recognize its changed easily.
2 votes -
Do not bring in Worldcat Identities URLs into ILL forms. These URLs are coming into the author field in our ILL loan requests. We have to delete them manually so that they don't mess up our printed labels. Can we stop these from automatically being imported into ILLiad?
8 votes -
Extend length of firstname field Extend the max field length for the Users table firstname field beyond 40 Characters. We serve many patrons who have first names that go beyond this limit and their names end up getting truncated, which is not ideal.
4 votes -
Increase font size. Increasing font size fosters a more inclusive and equitable environment. In previous posts regarding font size, Atlas noted that the increase in font size was addressed. However, Atlas' solution to use Windows settings creates other issues. Using Windows to increase font size makes other programs that already have accessible font size lose some functionality. Also, using Windows to "fix" ILLiad's font size inaccessibility, loses page functionality in the client (e.g. the notes field in an open request are no longer visible on the page.)
1 vote -
Make time units in turnaround time report uniform The detailed lending turnaround time report returns time periods that are in minutes, hours, and days, making any kind of comparison impossible. All times should be reported in hours; institutions can then perform calculations as needed.
5 votes -
Add confirmation message before printing slips When clicking Print Stacks Search Items, there should be an "are you sure" message BEFORE requests route to In Stacks Searching so there's a chance to undo or reconsider before requests move.
5 votes -
Add NVTGC value to the Main Form of the Electronic Delivery Utility If multiple EDUs are open on a PC and each is logged into a different NVTGC it becomes confusing later to remember which is which because nothing on the Form shows a NVTGC/Site value. Emory uses up to 4 on one PC so it is hard to know which nvtgc to use on the client logon if you have to investigate why a request/file fails to send
1 vote -
Electronic Delivery Utility change to get requests to Process from DB rather than Folder The EDU currently populates the list of request to process from the folder specified in ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPath which for customers sharing a scanned files folder across NVTGCs can lead to files pulled in to the wrong EDU and the process fails because that NVTGC might not have access to the address or transaction record. Querying the In Stacks Searching or In DD Stacks Searching status and using that list to determine which files to pull from the folder will allow one ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPath folder to be used across multiple EDUs running for one Shared Server group.
1 vote -
Borrowing Received screen -- either make edits save or make clear fields that can't be edited When receiving incoming Borrowing items through the Borrowing Received screen, it looks as though the user can edit fields such as the title, but this will not save on check in —only by opening the transaction can a title be edited. We usually note when something is a microform in the title so it's very clear to the patron. When on the Borrowing Receives page, it DOES save edits to Special Instructions, number of pieces, and checkboxes like we use for library use only.
Additionally, it will not save if the user clears info that was previously in the Special…
1 vote -
Ability to remove print templates that are no longer used from user print configurations window (without editing the user.config file) Right now, every print template a user has ever used will show in the user PrintConfigurations window. When templates are updated (especially just the same file from .doc to .docx) this can get lengthy and confusing. Right now, the only way to get these removed is to edit the user.config file -- but this isn't recommended, since it's easy to corrupt that file and cause major issues.
It would be extremely helpful if users could remove no longer used files from print configuration in an easier way.
1 vote -
WMS and ILLiad integration for patron account Could you integrate WMS and ILLiad so patrons can see all of their checkouts in one place?
We are now checking out ILL items as temp items in WMS so patrons don't have to log into two separate systems. Unfortunately, that means extra work for ILL staff to keep info updated in both systems. It would be great if ILLiad and WMS could talk to each other.
3 votes -
Update z39.50 search fields and "ILLiad citation" when article/loan info is updated and saved When citations are fixed or changed on the ILLiad request, the z39.50 search fields and "ILLiad citation" section are not also updated, but remain the same as when the request was opened. It would be helpful if those fields were also updated when citation changes are saved, so information does not also need to be manually added to search fields, and so the proper citation can be referenced from the z39.50 page.
1 vote -
ILLiad / Aeon integration - support for mapping ILLiad fields to Aeon custom fields It would be great to be able to map ILLiad fields to Aeon custom fields for the ILLiad/Aeon integration.
2 votes -
Article Delivery notices: automated reminder notices It would improve service to be able to send automated reminder notices to patrons a week or so before electronic articles reach the 30-day limit and will be purged from the server. We remind them to download articles, but a second notice would be helpful, either to all patrons or maybe to those whose request history does not show "PDF viewed."
8 votes
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