Item cloning does not manage connections efficiently · released
Create simple hierarchy in Rightsholder tables
API method to get requests based on other parameters besides User
PayEEZY payments fail if the charge amount is less than $1 · released
ShowAutoRowFilter Null Reference Exception · under review
"not picked up" report · closed
The count for Courses Without Instructors may vary in the Ares Client
Modify most requested journal web reports
Validate fields in staff client
Include Tracking and History Tables in Export of multiple items
Viewing "Return To" Address in "Check in from Lending Library" when Receiving
Alma NCIP Addon sometimes performs improper error handling
Option for a single Aeon profile for use with all institutions
Test and improve integration of the Aeon button script in CONTENTdm version 7.x · closed
Allow staff to customize how ILLiad assigns copyright compliance (CCL/CCG)
DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html does not display File Size and Transaction Number · released
Instructors who visit OpenURL link but have no courses cannot submit the form · released
Allow API to update existing users · under review
Ability to search on a single day other than today or yesterday using custom search
Allow ILLIAD staff to customize name of column labels.