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4 results found

  1. Remove any references to chatusers and chatmessages tables

    There are still lingering references to chat users and chat messages.

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  2. Ares Items have inconsistent SortOrder fields depending on how they're created.

    Items created in the Ares Client have a null SortOrder while items created by instructors in the web have the value 0. This affects the orderby clause for these items that causes the null SortOrder items to be placed ahead of the others in item tables.

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  3. Rightsholder names longer than 50 characters are truncated when stored in the ItemCopyright table

    The ItemCopyright.CopyrightProvider field is only 50 characters wide but may reference the Rightsholders.RightsholderName field, which is 200 characters wide. If the RightsholderName is longer than 50 characters, its value will be truncated and the copyright record will not correctly match the rightsholder, such as on the rightsholder maintenance form in the Client.

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    0 comments  ·  Database  ·  Admin →
  4. Batch item tags not receiving TagType value in db

    Tagtype value isn't being assigned when created under the following circumstances:

    -batch personal tags show in course info, but not show details
    -batch instructor tags don't show in client
    -batch tags don't save with a tagtype
    -when manually assigning tagtype of 'Course' in SSMS tag then shows in client
    -manually assigning tagtype of 'User' in SSMS tag then shows in web

    Bug# 8794

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