Appointment merge fields can cause errors when printing callslips for activities
ILLiad print datasource using legacy headers
External request submissions do not persist through new user registration · released
Course Info Fields Always Load as Yellow/Unsaved on the Course Form
Error occurs when using "Request For" control when not associated with any requests · released
Aeon Client becomes unusable if an appointment is created with an invalid username · released
Removing a proxy removes the associated user from all proxy courses they may be associated with · released
Add functionality to display a field (including custom fields) when RequestFor is populated with an activity.
Multithreading error during Aeon Client dashboard refresh · released
BillingManagerPrintDataPath defaults to C:\illiad\print\ on Client install
Invalid End Date can be entered on the Appointment form in Aeon Client
Errors opening/sending some types of PDFs in the Client
Invalid End Date can be entered on the Appointment form in Aeon Client · released
Drop-downs missing options in the web pages · released
Payments with may fail if details contain certain characters. · released
Update Lender Billing Fields and Description on Transaction Form
Duplicate classes in DataRow templates
The Ares seed script has duplicate entries for the same DocumentTypeValues. · started
Automate activities procedures