Allow staff to decide if copyright information clones with request
If there is some sort of perpetual copyright license (the World Health Organization says their stuff can be used forever), it is helpful to keep that data when cloning a request.

Jenny Vitti commented
I have a workaround for this in the meantime. We have populated our Nature of Work field with several different options (Public Domain, Copyright Owned by Instructor, Creative Commons License, etc.). When I determine that an item is in the public domain, for example, I set the Nature of Work to "Public Domain," and uncheck "Copyright Required." With our settings, these won't show back up in the Copyright Queue if they're reactivated. Alternately, you could leave "Copyright Required" checked, and when reactivated items show up in the Copyright Queue, you could sort first by Nature of Work, then select all WHO items and mark them as "Copyright Obtained."