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  1. Docline script error causes a blank Account Type box to appear on the Docline Importing tab  ·  released

  2. Bulk Item Editing validation out of memory error  ·  released

  3. Old jQuery code no longer required

  4. The Show Tag Editor button is improperly aligned

  5. Aeon.dll can get caught in a logon loop when submitting external requests

  6. XLS file extension has field constraints

  7. ILLiad API is not using database defaults for creating new requests  ·  released

  8. Item cloning does not manage connections efficiently  ·  released

  9. Duplicate classes in DataRow templates

  10. Adding a New Billing Default in Customization Manager generates an Unhandled Exception  ·  released

  11. In the web, 'null' is a special string that can prevent some valid data from being inserted, specifically as a user last name.

  12. The count for Courses Without Instructors may vary in the Ares Client

  13. Invalid pages during CCC process - error dialog shows but no useful description  ·  released

  14. Instructors who visit OpenURL link but have no courses cannot submit the form  ·  released

  15. DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html does not display File Size and Transaction Number  ·  released

  16. ShowAutoRowFilter Null Reference Exception  ·  under review

  17. Lender password change from client only changes the password for NVTGC logged into client  ·  closed

  18. Pull slip printing may fail for items with "CCC Project" field values  ·  released

  19. Users cannot populate the ShelfLocation field on web requests  ·  released

  20. Field customizations may not apply on some grids.  ·  released

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