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  1. Authentication - allow for multiple ldap sources and queries.

  2. Web DLL Item Search queries have ambiguous access counts  ·  released

  3. Allow LDAP to query multiple servers

  4. make the Ares web pages mobile responsive.  ·  started

  5. Bulk data updates

  6. ILLiad SAML Module will not log signing response errors

  7. Allow for different error messages based on response from LDAP server

  8. Add ActivityAttendance table to possible query options in Activity custom search

  9. Add ReadingRoomHistory table to possible table to query in User custom search  ·  released

  10. The query to set instructor display name can time out during updates  ·  released

  11. Add appointment fields to data source for PrintCallslip  ·  released

  12. Book Chapters - send Article Constant Data instead of Loan

  13. Allow partial anonymizing of user data and request history.

  14. Client ignoring confirm exit dialog response when activity forms open  ·  released

  15. Ability to have separate Lending constant data for different formats

  16. The dropdown menus in the custom search query builders do not include all possible options.  ·  released

  17. Populate new user registration with data from ILS after authentication

  18. Add more granular location data mapping to ArchivesSpace Fulfillment Plugin

  19. Attempting to edit an appointment with invalid data throws errors  ·  released

  20. The ViewAllRequests table and the View Requests By Tag table will always use the same export query  ·  under review

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