Add appointment fields to data source for PrintCallslip
Appointment fields are not currently available in the data source for PrintCallslips. Sites would like to add StartTime, StopTime, and ReadingRoom.

ReadingRoomName, StartTime and StopTime are available to add to PrintCallslip and PrintRequest:
Anne Marie Lyons commented
Boston Public Library would also like this feature.
Laura Leone commented
Yes, please! We have been forced to use the Scheduled Date field again (in addition to populating the Appointment field) and put it back on our call slip since there are no appointment parameters.
Allison Chomet commented
This would be extremely helpful, even just including the date of the appointment.
Jasmine commented
This would be very helpful when prioritizing paging materials for upcoming appointments.
Tara Craig commented
Endorsing this request!
Diana Sykes commented
This would be super helpful!!
David Sun commented
Yes, absolutely necessary.