Aeon Known Issues
5 results found
Staff cannot cancel requests in the Aeon client if the cancellation reason is very long If the default note in ReasonforCancellation is 255 characters long.
When cancelling an item, the Aeon client attempts to generate a History entry that reads:
for following reason: {Reason}; {DefaultNote}
which can be up to 439 characters long.
While the History table field is only 255 characters.1 votereleased ·AdminDustin Stokes (Chief Technology Officer @ Atlas Systems, Inc., Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon 4.0.1
OpenURLMapping table allows for duplicate entries The primary key on the OpenURLMapping table is incorrect, which allows for duplicate entries.
1 votereleased ·AdminDustin Stokes (Chief Technology Officer @ Atlas Systems, Inc., Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon 4.0
Requests are sometimes created with a NULL transaction status Requests in Aeon may sometimes be created with a blank/NULL transaction status that can then cause issues in the Aeon Client.
Bug# 19511
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Aeon user account is limited to 15 characters The AeonCreateUserAccount script is limited to navrchar(15) which will be problematic for custom installs that may try to set longer passwords.
Bug# 6496
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1
Exclude the 'sys' view from update scripts For Azure databases there is a default 'sys' view that is causing some of the update scripts to fail.
1 voteReleased in Aeon 5.0