ILLiad Known Issues
23 results found
Broken Terms and Conditions Link on Borrowing Request Form The link to the TRS Terms and Conditions webpage is broken in the Process Copyright ribbon and on the Borrowing Request Form Copyright tab.
Workaround: Update the CCCHomePage key in the Customization Manager with the link to the Copyright Clearance Center's homepage to ensure that the link does not break due to URL changes:
Bug# 12120
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
PDF Document Processor prevents PDF from being closed until the Client is closed - Error message 'file in use' When a PDF has been loaded by a PDF Document Processor (on the scanning form or the electronic delivery form), the filesystem keeps a lock on that file until the ILLiad client is closed. This is because the processor is not closing the file.
Error Log Message Example: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\elecdel\o48034.pdf' because it is being used by another process.
Bug# 8578
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
ILLiad Client Overdues null reference exception error In OverduesList.cs, the gridViewRequest_CustomColumnDisplayText function may throw a null reference exception when it attempts to call ToString() on e.Value.
Bug# 8564
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
Blank Password in Client Forms Prompts Error Message A blank error message pops up when you:
- Open ILLiad Client
- Enter a valid username
- Leave password blank
- Attempt to login
Bug# 8363
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
Application menu button is not visible when using Office 2019 skins The default white hamburger is not visible against the white background of the skin. This bug impacts the client, staff manager, and customization manager.
v9.0 & v9.1
Bug# 58900 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
0 votesreleased ·
AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
The borrowing tab is displaying the list of queues in reverse alphabetical order On the Borrowing tab, ILLiad is displaying the list of queues in reverse alphabetical order and is adding new custom queues to a new "Requests" group, instead of the existing "Requests" group.
Bug# 5642
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
RAPID Lending requests are not downloading correctly for shared server sites RAPID Lending requests are not downloading correctly for shared server sites who share a RAPID symbol but have different branches.
Bug# 48340 votesReleased in ILLiad version 9.1.1.
Lending Returns will not refresh OCLC status v9.1
Bug# 48670 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1.2
Spaces at the beginning or ending of a password are trimmed off in the web but not in the client The DLL is trimming any leading or trailing spaces from the password field within the web, whereas the client just runs the password as it's entered with the spaces. For example, if my password is "ABC" when logging in the client "ABC " fails, whereas it works in the web pages because the space is being removed.
Note: A space can exist within the password itself, e.g., "P@ss W0rd", as long as it's an accepted requirement in the Customization Manager. The spaces within the password will not be trimmed by the DLL.
Bug# 4490
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
0 votesreleased ·
AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in ILLiad 9.2
Grouping by field in In Document Delivery (DD) Stacks Searching causes error An error message/feedback pop-up will appear when a staff user attempts to group transactions by a field (e.g., username) in dd stacks searching. The log will record this error as "Transaction number 0 not found".
v8.7 & 9.0
Bug# 41720 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
Login as... error causes an error popup and sometimes crashes the client Workaround: Some sites have reported that changing to another skin and back to original skin allowed Login As to work again.
The Client Error log may say the following: A thread exception has occurred.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.Bug#3980
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
0 votes
Released in ILLiad 9.1
OCLC Request form does not open properly for completed OCLC requests OCLC Requests that have a Worldshare ILL Status of Closed and disposition of Supplied cannot be opened in the OCLC Request form.
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
Transaction status in Request form status bar is not visible using some skins The transaction status that displays on the lower left of the status bar on a request form is not visible when using some skins due to the color contrast with the default black text. See the attached example of the Office 2013 Dark Gray Skin. This status is visible in the Standard Display using Office 2016 Colorful and Office 2016 Dark.
Bug#41660 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
"Nullable object must have a value" Error The error message "Nullable object must have a value" needs to be explained better on the prompt. The error appears when attempting to request an item when the OCLC request is in the Cancelled status.
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
"TransactionNumber could not be determined from the OCLC request" Error The "The TransactionNumber could not be determined from the OCLC request." error appears when a staff user clicks the show button on a borrowing request that is linked to an OCLC request in the Cancelled status.
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
Missing WSKey Prompt Appears Due to Shortened OCLC Domain Workaround: request a new WSKey from OCLC Article Exchange. For more instructions see:
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1
DocDel layout customization settings not saving in the Staff Client Workaround: Place the Supplemental Information tab in its own section, then you and group and rename the other aspects of the template.
0 votesReleased in ILLiad 9.1