PDF Document Processor prevents PDF from being closed until the Client is closed - Error message 'file in use'
When a PDF has been loaded by a PDF Document Processor (on the scanning form or the electronic delivery form), the filesystem keeps a lock on that file until the ILLiad client is closed. This is because the processor is not closing the file.
Error Log Message Example: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\elecdel\o48034.pdf' because it is being used by another process.
Bug# 8578

Released in ILLiad 9.2
Angela Mott commented
Another Example: Because the PDF files are locked when they are opened in the client, they cannot be cleaned up and removed from the ElecDel folder on the client workstation afterwards. Sometimes this will popup an error too. The PDF was delivered ok, but the PDF file gets left behind in the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\elecdel folder and if there are too many files in there it can cause problems, up to and including crashing the ILLiad client.
Workaround: set a reminder to go in and manually delete any files in the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\elecdel folder and the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\elecdel\backup subfolder on a regular basis so that they don't build up too much.
Angela Mott commented
Another Example: If the PDFs are saved in the same location as the WebPDFPath key, then when they're imported into the scanning form, they cannot be sent out and overwrite the files in that location.
Workaround: Save the PDFs into another folder and then they should be able to import and send.
Angela Mott commented
Example: If the PDFs are scanned into the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\elecdel folder, then when they're imported into the scanning form they cannot be sent out.
Workaround: Save the PDFs into another folder and then they should be able to import and send.