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  1. When downloading an update, the Client may hang if it receives a 404 response when trying to download the update executable  ·  released

  2. Date fields export as UTC when exporting data from a grid in the Aeon client  ·  released

  3. Copyright data can't be saved for requests in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance - Pipeline queue

  4. Item cancellation emails and other emails sent from the item form do not include rightsholder data.  ·  released

  5. Pull location data from ArchivesSpace into new Aeon requests made via the ArchivesSpace Aeon Fulfillment Plugin  ·  released

  6. Data entry space for "Bill to" information as well as "Send to" or "Ordered by" info.

  7. ILLiad does not pull all data from Docline when an ISBN for a book is provided

  8. In the web, 'null' is a special string that can prevent some valid data from being inserted, specifically as a user last name.

  9. Add hidden fields to request forms for more flexibility

  10. Turnaround Time Web Reports Articles Detail Grid no longer shows transactions  ·  released

  11. Determining transaction ownership in DataRepeaters in not efficient

  12. The CCCStatusUpdater requires student users to be in a couse when determining if student enrollment changed  ·  released

  13. Bulk Item Editing validation out of memory error  ·  released

  14. recommender services via JSON

  15. Fix Turnaround reports to include API-created Transactions

  16. XLS file extension has field constraints

  17. Improve normalization of journal titles for copyright searching and counting against rule of five

  18. Add better logout handling for PortalGuard (and possibly Azure AD) for the SAML module

  19. Aeon.dll can get caught in a logon loop when submitting external requests

  20. Item cloning does not manage connections efficiently  ·  released

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