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  1. DevEx Splitter Controls do not persist layout changes if pushed to full left or right

    On the FormItemDetails page, if you add a splitter AND make other significant layout changes, such as moving a Layout group, something is notifying the Layouts class that a change has been made and the layout is then saved.

    We are waiting on a response from DevExpress because there appears to be a bug in their component

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  3. Exporting course details may not work in the web after updating from Ares 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 to Ares 4.6.0.

    The workaround for this is installing or repairing the installation of the AresServerUpdate.msi on the affected sites.

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  4. The CCCStatusUpdater requires student users to be in a couse when determining if student enrollment changed

    The query in the CCCStatusUpdater run by System Manager to determine if enrollements differ from the copyright order requires student users to be in the course. Since the query is adding a where when the usertype is a student, any course that has no students are not included in the query causing the inner join to fail.
    To reproduce, create an order with CCC in the Ares client. Update the course enrollment so that it differs. Ensure that the CopyrightCourseStudents is set to Enrolled Students. Have System Manager reprocess copyright by setting CCCStatusUpdateRunNow to Yes and restart the System Manager.

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  5. The calculated Page Count field on the Client's item form is cleared when the staff user enters a value into Entire Work Pages

    1. Create a new item in the Ares Client
    2. Enter '1-10' into the pages field and tab out. The Page Count field is populated with the value '10'
    3. Enter 100 into the Entire Work Pages field and tab out. The Page Count field is cleared.
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  6. The IItemDelete page should be removed from new installs

    The IItemDelete page is no longer used by the DLL. The page was intented to verify if the instructor was confirming they wanted to delete the item.

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  7. Change "Modify Class" button on ICourseEdit.html to "Modify Course"

    The term class has been replaced with course everywhere.

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  9. Tab order for editing email templates is not consecutive

    The tab order is not the expected sequence when tabbing through the editors for email template editing in the customization manager.

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  10. Changes to the browser emulation mode are not applied until the next time the Client is started.

    The web browser control will render web pages as whatever the installed version of IE is. However, this change will not take effect until the Client has been restarted.

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  12. The RSS Channel Title and Channel Descriptions do not allow for static text

    Currently the RSSCourseItemsChannelDescription and RSSCourseItemsChannelTitle are customization keys that support Course table fields. When the TagProcessor proccesses the values if there is no match for a tag, it is not returning the original input. Currently the 2 keys must contain a <#Courses.Field> or the custom display text will not appear.

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  13. Rightsholder names longer than 50 characters are truncated when stored in the ItemCopyright table

    The ItemCopyright.CopyrightProvider field is only 50 characters wide but may reference the Rightsholders.RightsholderName field, which is 200 characters wide. If the RightsholderName is longer than 50 characters, its value will be truncated and the copyright record will not correctly match the rightsholder, such as on the rightsholder maintenance form in the Client.

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  14. The Alert Status Area in the Ares web pages will overlap the tables on the main menu.

    Because the text input elements in the column headers have a fixed size, the table can expand beyond its normal are and be overlapped by the sidebar.

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  16. PasswordHint should be modified to show as a required field on NewUserRegistration.html

    PasswordHint is seeded in WebValidation for new installs to be a required field on NewUserRegistration. The NewUserRegistration.html page should be updated to indicate the Password Hint field is required. This bug was discovered when researching the automatic clearance email feature from Ares 4.6.

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  17. The FromName field does not show as a changed field for a new email template

    The FromName field does not get highlighed indicating a changed field despite making changes to the field. If you are only making changes to the FromName field, the Save button does not become enabled.

    To enable saving on a template that already exists if you are making changes to the FromName field, make a small change to another field of the template, like Description and the Save button becomes enabled. You can then modify the description back to its original value and save again.

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  19. Footer on Student Message Board New Thread page displays in content area

    Line 28 of UCourseMessageBoardNewThread.html is missing an angle bracket to end the H1 element.
    <h1 tabindex="0"New topic for <#COURSE field="CourseNumber"/></h1>
    <h1 tabindex="0">New topic for <#COURSE field="CourseNumber"/></h1

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