Aeon Known Issues
202 results found
Creating new staff users allows trailing spaces Trailing spaces are allowed for values in the Username, First Name, and Last Name fields when creating new staff users in the Staff Manager, which may cause issues with matching the user in other systems (e.g., AtlasBI).
Bug# 16655
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Selecting a "Request For" value may cause validation issues with billing fields on EADRequest.html If any billing fields (Format, Service Level, Shipping) are marked with the HTML5 'required' attribute on an EADRequest.html form that also uses a photoduplication request toggle option, selecting a "Request For" value may enable these fields when they are hidden by the toggle and cause the request to fail browser validation.
Bug# 16440
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2 and v5.1.38 default web pages
Appointment scheduling web calendar incorrectly shows the entire day as unavailable when a Reduced Availability exception is set When setting a Reduced Availability exception for a reading room in the Customization Manager's Appointment Scheduling tab, the appointment scheduling calendar on the web pages shows the entire day as unavailable, even if seats should be left after the reduced availability is set.
Bug# 16362
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Custom fields are highlighted yellow when added to a custom tab group in the Aeon Client Custom fields defined in the Aeon Customization Manager's CustomFieldDefinitions table will display highlighted yellow if added to a custom tab group created on a form in the Aeon Client.
Bug# 15993
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
SLRequestLimitMet status line appears incorrectly on ViewUserReviewRequests When submitting a request that would meet or exceed the request limit on the ViewUserReviewRequests page, the SLRequestLimitMet status line text will appear but will be formatted incorrectly on the page. The user also will not be returned to the top of the page.
Bug# 15801
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in v5.1.29 Default and Feature-Specific Web Pages
Leaving FutureRoutingDays customization key blank causes errors If the FutureRoutingDays customization key value is blank, the following error will occur when attempting to import requests from file:
ERROR AtlasSystems.Aeon.FormCreateRequests - An error occurred when creating the requests: Input string was not in a correct format.
Bug# 15791
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Appointments can't be saved using the request form's appointment control if system time zone is UTC If the system time zone is set to UTC, the following error is logged when attempting to save an appointment with the appointment control on the request form:
ERROR AtlasSystems.Aeon.Program - A thread exception has occurred.
System.ArgumentException: The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not have the Kind property set correctly. For example, when the Kind property is DateTimeKind.Local, the source time zone must be TimeZoneInfo.Local.Note: This only applies to the system time zone labeled simply as "Coordinated Universal Time," and not other time zones with no UTC offset. It does not occur when both…
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Status lines are missing from GenericRequestManuscript/MonographPhotodup when using Clone to Copy option Accessing the GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup or GenericRequestMonographPhotodup request forms from the Clone to Copy option in the Actions menu or Transactions details page will cause the status line(s) not to appear on the page.
Bug# 15485
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Aeon System Manager will not pick up newly created custom queues until restarted The Aeon System Manager caches the list of queues when started instead of checking and updating the list of queues periodically. This can lead to problems if custom queues are created for an addon as those newly created queues will not be available until the System Manager restarts.
Bug# 15370
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Aeon CaiaSoft server addon may experience random connection timeouts Version 1.1.2 of the Aeon CaiaSoft addon sometimes experiences random connection timeouts and leads to the addon no longer picking up the MonitoredStatus queue. The following error will then display in the System Manager logs:
"ERROR AtlasSystems.Addons.Aeon-CaiasoftRemoteStorage - An error occurred while processing the Caiasoft offsite request:The wait operation timed out"
Bug# 15344
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon CaiaSoft Server Addon v1.1.3 on March 3rd, 2022.
Errors that prevent the appointment scheduling tool from loading also affect other areas of the Client If an error prevents the appointment scheduling tool in the Client from loading, this will also cause other areas of the Client to become unusable until the underlying error is resolved.
Bug# 15330
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Aeon Client becomes unusable if an appointment is created with an invalid username If an appointment is created with an invalid username, this will prevent both the appointment scheduling tool and other parts of the Client such as the list of queues from loading.
Note: If you experience this bug, please submit a ticket for Atlas Support to resolve the underlying invalid data issues.
Bug# 15329
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
"Skip to main content" link remains invisible when focused on in certain browsers The "Skip to main content" link remains invisible when it is focused on using the keyboard in certain browsers including Chrome and Safari. The link appears as intended in Firefox.
Bug #15254
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in v5.1.29 Default and Feature-Specific Web Pages
Edit option within the Transaction Menu can still be activated by keyboard when disabled When the Edit action is not allowed for a request, the button is visually disabled and made un-clickable within the Transaction Menu options but can still be activated using the keyboard, which takes the user back to the main menu page with a status message.
Bug #15246
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in v5.2.13 Default Web Pages
Adding Appointment tab without any reading rooms configured crashes Aeon Client Attempting to add the Appointment tab when customizing the Client layout will cause the Client to freeze/crash if no reading rooms have been configured in the Customization Manager.
Bug# 14767
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Request callslips cannot be printed from an Activity record if any Transaction or Activity context-type custom fields are defined Using the "Print Callslips for Requests Awaiting Processing" dropdown option from the "Print Callslips" button on an Activity record results in the following error if any custom fields are defined in the CustomFieldDefinitions table:
"An error occurred while attempting to print callslips (Ambiguous column name 'Activity ID'. "
Workaround: Print the callslips for Activity requests from the Awaiting Activity Processing queue or individually from each request record.
Bug# 14570
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
<#OPTION> web tag cannot be used to automatically generate a list of checkbox options for CustomDropDown-type custom fields Using the <#OPTION> web tag to automatically generate a list of checkbox options for a group defined in the CustomDropDown table does not work if the group is a CustomDropDown-type field defined in the CustomFieldDefinitions table.
Bug# 14532
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Cloning a photoduplication request in the web creates a non-photoduplication request Cloning a photoduplication request from the web interface will take the user to the default request form for a non-photoduplication request.
Bug# 14459
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Small notes in Aeon can be easily missed by screen readers Small notes are located outside the label for fields on web forms where they are still accessible by screen readers but are not read out automatically like they would be if located inside the label. This can lead to screen readers skipping these notes unknowingly.
Bug# 14420
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in v5.1.29 Default and Feature-Specific Web Pages
"Approve Billing" button does not work on request pages Clicking the "Approve Billing" button from the "Actions" dropdown menu for a request or on the request's detailed information page will result in an error.
Workaround: Use the "Approve Order" button on the Order Billing web page to approve the billing charges for the request.
Bug# 14404
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon Web DLL v5.1.3.