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  1. The EditPatentRequest.html file contains errors preventing proper submission of the form

    The EditPatentRequest.html file contains the following errors preventing proper submission of this form in the ILLiad web interface:

    1. References PatentRequest instead of EditPatentRequest in the ILLiadForm parameter
    2. Contains an incorrect name attribute value in the form element
    3. Missing the hidden input for TransactionNumber

    Bug# 25897

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  2. Lending web pages contain invalid FORMSTATE tags

    The ILLiad Lending Web DLL does not support the <#FORMSTATE> tag, however, this tag is included on LendingGenericRequestArticle.html, EditLendingGenericRequestArticle.html, and EditLendingGenericRequestLoan.html.

    Bug# 25896

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  3. The Profile dropdown is missing a visual separator between menu items in the Lending web pages

    The Profile dropdown in the navigation bar used by the Lending web pages is missing the visual line separator between the menu items in the dropdown and the “Logged in as <username>” information.

    Bug# 25894

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  4. Certain lending web pages do not reference the include_header.html file

    LendingLogon2.html and LendingFirstTime.html do not reference the include_header.html file and instead include a hardcoded header from an older version of the ILLiad web pages.

    Bug# 25879

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  5. Certain ILLiad default web page files contain unnecessary FORMSTATE tags

    In both the Borrowing and Lending default web pages, there are unnecessary FORMSTATE tags on web page files for request forms such as ArticleRequest.html, BookChapterRequest.html, etc.

    Bug# 25397

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  6. ILLiad web forms contain incorrect use of fieldsets

    Many ILLiad web forms contain incorrect uses of fieldsets that will cause accessibility issues as their implementation is non-compliant with WCAG 1.3.1.

    Bug# 24252

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  7. URL generated by CCC Get It Now addon does not escape characters

    The URL generated by the CCC Get It Now addon isn't escaping characters and can fail, one example being if there is a hyphen in the startPage value.

    Bug# 21167

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  8. Tracking entries on the ILLiad web pages may display in the incorrect timezone

    Tracking entries for requests on the ILLiad web pages are not converted to the local timezone and may display at a different time than what is shown in the ILLiad Client.

    Bug# 20739

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  9. Label elements are incorrectly formatted on certain Lending web pages

    The label elements for the LibraryName and BorrowingDeptEmail fields are missing or improperly configured on the LendingNewUserRegistration.html and LendingUpdateAddressInformation.html default Lending web pages, which causes accessibility issues.

    Bug# 20405

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  10. SearchType toggle switch does not properly filter search results

    The SearchType toggle switch on the search web pages (ViewSearchResults.html and LendingViewSearchResults.html) that is unused and commented out in the HTML by default will not correctly filter search results to include active requests only if enabled.

    Bug# 19970

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  11. Small notes are not automatically read by screen readers for certain form fields

    Small notes used for certain form fields on the default web pages will not be read automatically by screen readers. This includes:
    -The Password1 field on NewPassword.html, ChangePassword.html, NewUserRegistration.html, LendingChangePassword.html, LendingNewPassword.html, LendingNewUserRegistration.html
    -The Username field on LendingNewUserRegistration.html

    Additionally, the CurrentPassword field on ChangePassword.html and LendingChangePassword.html contains an unlinked aria-describedby attribute that may be flagged by accessibility checkers.

    Bug# 19935

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  12. Buttons that are disabled can still be used with keyboard controls

    In both the Actions menu dropdown and the Transaction menu, some actions that are completely disabled for mouse users can still be fully used by keyboard users without being blocked and with no error message.

    Bug# 18919

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  13. Transaction menu button text is not fully visible on certain display sizes

    The text content of the transaction menu buttons does not fully display on small screen sizes or high zoom levels and requires horizontal scrolling to view. In some cases, horizontal scrolling is not enough to read the full button text.

    Bug# 18918

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  14. Actions dropdown options are not fully visible on certain display sizes

    The Actions menu dropdown options do not fully display on small screen sizes or high zoom levels and require horizontal scrolling to view.

    Bug# 18916

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  15. The color used for web alert titles does not pass color contrast requirements

    The default color used to display titles for web alerts does not have sufficient color contrast against the default background color in the web pages.

    Bug# 18774

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  16. Modal dialog for web alerts contains broken 'aria-labelledby' attribute

    The 'aria-labelledby' attribute used on the modal dialog for web alerts is broken and causes an accessibility issue.

    Bug# 18775

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  17. The label color for fields that fail server validation does not pass color contrast requirements

    When a field fails server validation, the web pages set the color of the field label to a red color that does not pass contrast requirements with the default form section color.

    Bug# 18767

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  18. Hyperlinks added to the cookie consent banner will fail color contrast requirements

    If a hyperlink is added to the cookie consent banner, the default hyperlink color will not provide sufficient contrast against the banner's background color.

    Note: Hyperlinks are not present in the banner by default.

    Bug# 18485

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  19. Default FAQ web page contains inaccurate information about cookies

    The default FAQ web page contains information about cookies stating that "the technology that we use sends a Session ID to be stored on your machine. You can refuse this cookie and still be able to use ILLiad without any problems."

    This information is inaccurate as the Session ID cookie is essential for the ILLiad web interface.

    Bug# 18265

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  20. The <u> tag is used incorrectly in certain ILLiad web pages

    Several ILLiad web pages contain incorrect usage of the <u> tag to emphasize text where a <strong> tag should be used instead.

    Bug# 17980

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