Add more granular location data mapping to ArchivesSpace Fulfillment Plugin
Option for a single Aeon profile for use with all institutions
Allow staff to customize how ILLiad assigns copyright compliance (CCL/CCG)
Allow for different error messages based on response from LDAP server
API method to get requests based on other parameters besides User
ArchivesSpace - Aeon Fulfillment Plugin - Import data from Rights Statement sub-record
Ability to delete and correct pdf - same as tif images
ILLiad does not pull all data from Docline when an ISBN for a book is provided
Integrate ILLiad with Google Docs
Ares dashboards: allow them to show for a given timeframe (month/year) in addition to choosing a semester
Additional ItemInfo fields
Add an export option to the Submit Copyright Orders Screen
Allow Ares to store & display Preferred Name
I would liek ot be able to truncate text in field for printing. Sometimes the title is long and pushes my book strap on to a second page.
Support copying lending request data from Docline web browser
Make the Shipping Options field one that can be cloned
Create simple hierarchy in Rightsholder tables
Web DLL Item Search queries have ambiguous access counts · released
Pull in/map additional data from remote auth login to Aeon user registration.
Ability to copy all the data in a grid and paste it into Excel