Aeon Known Issues
202 results found
EAD requests that skip order estimate can become uneditable An EAD request can become uneditable if the SkipOrderEstimates parameter is set to "Yes" and the request fails web validation. This is because SkipOrderEstimates will set the Photoduplication status of the request to "Awaiting Order Processing," which makes the request uneditable, even though the web validation failure sent the request to Awaiting User Review.
Bug# 12663
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v6.0.
The "Cancel - Return to Logon" button on the NewAuthRegistration.html page doesn't return users to the logon menu Clicking the "Cancel - Return to Logon" button on the NewAuthRegistration.html page doesn't allow users to stop the request form and return to the logon menu.
Bug# 12668
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1.14 default web pages.
The Web DLL does not properly validate researcher request links when submitting requests When submitting a request for a researcher, the DLL does not properly validate the proxy relationship between the user submitting the request and the selected researcher.
Bug# 11699
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
Missing validation for activities in transactions In TransactionValidator, there is no validation for ensuring that ActivityId and ResearcherUsername are mutually exclusive or that the user is associated with the activity.
Bug# 11562
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
BillingAccountsVisible param tag does not work on PhotoduplicationRequest.html In the default Aeon web pages, the BillingAccountsVisible param tag on PhotoduplicationRequest.html does not properly hide the BillIng Account dropdown if Billing Accounts are disabled.
Bug# 11533
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in v5.1.29 Default and Feature-Specific Web Pages
Certain Transaction Emails do not use LocalInfo Table to populate the email's from address Generating a new email that is not based on a template from a request form in the client incorrectly populates the email's from address with the value in the EmailFromAddress customization key instead of the site's information entered in the LocalInfo table.
Bug# 11000
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon Client v5.1.4.
Transaction numbers do not pass to Touchnet Transaction numbers do not get to Touchnet due to an issue with ancillaryData handling.
Bug# 10472
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1 and v5.0.73 default web pages
Aeon Web API reports invalid X-AEON-API-KEY header in logs unnecessarily The ApiKeyAuthenticationMiddleware layer is invoked unnecessarily for non-secure endpoints, resulting in invalid X-AEON-API-KEY header log statements.
Bug# 10273
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v6.0.
DataRow headers don't meet accessibility Once the h5 header is updated to h4, there is an empty header that breaks accessibility.
Bug# 10178
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1 and v5.0.73 default web pages
0 votes
Released in v5.0.24 Default Web Pages on 22 Jan 2021
Empty persist value string An empty string would be produced when the persist value drop-down in the atlasUtility.js due to the handling of the double-quotes.
Bug# 9632
0 votesReleased in v5.0.24 Default Web Pages on 22 Jan 2021
Not enough contract with the gray text in web pages The gray text used on some of the default pages doesn't meet contrast requirements for WCAG.
Bug# 8005
0 votesReleased in v5.0.18 on 11/23/2020
Adding a transaction to a bundle with long name throws error When adding a transaction to a bundle, Aeon is creating an entry in the History table. The Entry column is limited to 255 characters, which throws an error if the bundle has a name that exceeds the limit.
Bug# 8806
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1
Aeon DLL generating duplicate requests on refresh When a user submits a request, the request is created as expected after logging in. Then, if the user clicks the refresh button in their browser, a duplicate request is submitted.
If the user is already logged in and attempts to refresh after submitting the request, I get the: "This form has already been submitted. Duplicate request not created." error as expected.
Bug# 8826
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1
TransactionValidator creates some redundant and/or incorrect error messages For example, validating a transaction without username results in the following:
2x "username can't be empty"
1x " is not a valid username"
1x "user cannot be anonymous"Bug# 8889
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.2
0 votes
Custom search displaying results based on unconverted UTC db time The custom search is displaying the correct, converted, time in the client; however, custom searches look for the unconverted UTC time from the database.
v5.0.3 and
Bug# 86890 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1
Activity tags are not handling special display formats The default pages do not currently support special date formats such as ISO8601 for the ActivityStatusDate. When adding the ISO8601 to the code, the pages are preventing the UTC time from being converted to the user's local timezone.
Bug# 8611
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1
Unable to report transaction numbers in Cybersource's merchant-defined data fields The Cybersource gateway has trouble submitting a list of relevant TNs with the default PARAM tag 'delimiter' attribute (a comma).
Bug# 6941
0 votesReleased in v5.0.2 Web DLL
DLL request copy doesn't redirect user Requesting a copy from the Item Checked Out or Available for Use status produces the correct status line, but doesn't redirect user to the edit photo duplication form, and also gives a status line about editing a request that has already been processed.
Bug# 7393
0 votesreleased ·AdminBrittany de Gail (Technical Writer/Content Developer, Atlas Systems, Inc.) responded
Released in Aeon v5.1