ILLiad Known Issues
34 results found
DLL incorrectly displays detailed error information to users When an error is encountered, the ILLiad DLL is displaying detailed error information that should not be visible to end-users.
Bug# 12291
0 votes -
Duplicate request submission when refreshing after expired web session After submitting a request, a duplicate request will be submitted if the web session expires and the user logs back in after refreshing the page.
Bug# 11148
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hangeUser Button Alignment The alignment for the buttons at the bottom of ChangeUserInformationare set to be right-aligned by default. For consistency, these need to be left-aligned like in the NewRegistration page.
Bug# 7683
0 votes -
Duplicate form submission does not work under remote authentication Remote auth validation does not load the user's reported session id, duplicate form submissions aren't being prevented.
Bug# 9013
0 votes -
Routing in Scripting can be overwritten by SaveDataSource In an ILLiad addon:
When you make changes to transaction fields, route the transaction and then SaveDataSource it will undo the Route action.
Workaround: This can be avoided by saving before routing.
Bug# 4681
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Web validation rules for required fields don't account for 'NULL' special value The ILLiad web DLL will perform special handling for text values equivalent to 'null,' replacing them with an actual null value when it updates the database.
Bug# 4602
0 votes -
In the web, 'null' is a special string that can prevent some valid data from being inserted, specifically as a user last name. ILLiad does a case-insensitive comparison of the field value and will treat a user record with the LastName of Null as null when it updates the database.
Bug# 4601
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The renewal button in the ILLiad web pages may be enabled even if the due date is outside the renewal window The renewal button doesn't consider the due date and the RenewalWindowDays/RenewalBeforeWindowDays customization keys when determining if the button is visible in the web pages.
Bug# 4571
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The BillingInformation table in the Lending Web Pages will not display if BillingActive is set to false The lending web pages prevent the display of the billing information table when BillingActive is set to false.
Workaround: If BillingActive is set to BillingActiveLending, then the BillingInformation table will always display in the lending web pages.
0 votes -
SLLoginFailed not showing up for invalid Username on Forgot Password The invalid username status line doesn't seem to be triggering the SLLoginFailed customization key on the Forgot Password page. The status line does appear if triggered on the logon pages.
v9.0 & 8.7
Bug#41470 votes -
0 votes
Change Password form does not have correct tab ordering for the ForcePasswordReset checkbox The Force Password Reset checkbox does not have the focus prior to the Ok button for proper Top->Bottom & Left->Right expectations. v9.0.3
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ILLiad- Statuses do not alert screen readers about the problem on the page (incorrect password, failed validation, etc) It is very confusing to fail validation while using a screen reader because it isn't apparent that validation failed.
It should likely alert the user on page reload.
1 vote -
The ILLiad DLL does not correctly set more than one cookie at a time. This is not actually a bug yet because the illiad.dll doesn't set more than one cookie at a time. However, if SetCookie() were to be called more than once it would overwrite the cookie custom header.
1 vote