Group items by title for hard copies to shorten list for web users
On the course info page, if a title has multiple physical copies available on physical reserves, that list of the title is cumbersome. If they could automatically group by the title, and expand to show each ItemID, that would make the list easier to navigate.
Reordering of items that is possible by instructors would have to take this into account.
That makes sense. We've had other sites offer suggestions or have questions about how best to handle one physical item attached to multiple courses.
Jenny Vitti commented
When a Shared List with physical items is applied to multiple courses, the same item (with the same barcode!) is entered into the Awaiting Reserves Processing queue over and over again, once for each course that contains the Shared List. It would be helpful if hard copy reserve items showed up for the user in each course containing the Shared List, but did *not* fill the staff's queue with duplicate hard copy requests.