Check out feature for instructor owned items
Currently, the majority of our physical reserves are faculty copies that we have to add as temporary items to our ILS. This causes all manner of problems for our catalogers and for ILL (as we get a number of requests for these items). However, if Ares had a system very similar to the one in ILLiad that allows us to check in items from other libraries, I feel this would solve that problem. In ILLiad, we check a book from a lending library in using the ILL number, and a slip prints out with our TN, allowing us to scan out a book that isn't ours and then scan it back in when the patron returns it. This would be wonderful in Ares: if, say, we add a physical item to a professor's reserve, and then were given the option to print off a slip that we could attach to the book that we could scan, through Ares, when a student borrows it. This way things would be easier on the catalogers, on ILL staff, and on the professors, who could just look at how frequently their books are being used through the Ares system. I feel it would also be terribly useful to not only current Ares users, but potential ones as well.