Extra closing div tags in ILLiad 9.1 Default Web Pages
The web pages with extra div tags include:
Bug# 6022

Released in ILLiad v9.1 default web pages on February 14th, 2022.
Steve A Orr commented
I just discovered this "known issue" section and I'm a little confused, since these are reported in July 2020. I recently downloaded the v9.1 files and am still finding these issues. In this forum I'm finding very few solutions either.
So, specifically for this extra DIV tag problem--on the pages mentioned, I see the last five tags of the page are "</div></div></div></body></html>" and it should be "</div></body></html>" instead (keeping the first DIV and removing the latter two).
I've previously suggested hosting all of these web pages in Github and then allowing Pull Requests to get them fixed more quickly--I hope this gets strongly considered.