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Angela Mott

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  1. 5 votes

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    3 comments  ·  Ares Ideas » Courses  ·  Admin →
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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    In previous versions of the Ares client, we were able to manually add users (e.g. students) in bulk to courses by entering their ID or username in a text box. This was helpful for courses/reserves lists that aren’t auto-populated with users from our Registrar data or if we wanted to add students before our script runs the following day. With 5.0, we now have to search for users and add them individually. Would you consider adding this functionality back in a future release?

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    Example of process:
    1. Open a borrowing Book/Loan request and put in the ISSN field, Year, Author and Title too.
    2. Click on the Pubmed/Docline tab (login to Docline if needed)
    3. Click the Manual Request button
    Notice that the ISSN filed fills in, but the Year, Journal/Book Title and Book Author/Editor do not.

  3. 7 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    We would like to see some improvement in the logging done by the Electronic Delivery Utility (EDU), including saving it to a txt file so past sends can be verified after the EDU is closed or if it crashes. We want a line in the log for every file in the folder whether ILLiad can do anything with it or not. Right now some files that fail to send are logged, but others do not show in logs at all. We see a backlog of files that haven't been able to send get stuck in the folder where the PDFs are scanned for the EDU, but while some of them generate a line in the logs (for being an invalid file, or not in the right status), others that seem to have the same issues, do not log. #24449

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  4. 24 votes

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    3 comments  ·  ILLiad Ideas » Email  ·  Admin →
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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    We’d like to have the function when user submitted a new ILL request, the ILLiad system will return a standard email to let user know the request is well received.

    Some of the users might want to get this automatic email.
    Ticket #23776

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    Angela Mott shared this idea  · 
  6. 4 votes

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  7. 3 votes

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    Angela Mott supported this idea  · 
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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    You also cannot add any note text or an asterisk to indicate that it is required for the LoanPeriod field.

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    Angela Mott supported this idea  · 
  9. 2 votes

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    0 comments  ·  Ares Ideas » Routing  ·  Admin →
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    Angela Mott shared this idea  · 
  10. 22 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    Working with an Ares site who does CourseUser loads and has CourseCreationEnabled turned on, we found that the CourseUser load had added all of the WINTER2019 courses before the WINTER2019 entry had been added to the Semesters table in the Customization Manager. So since that semester hadn't been there, the load had tried to pick the best choice just based on the start and stop dates, but of course that was the wrong one. This required us to run several queries to isolate the right courses (luckily none had items yet) and edit them to have the correct semester. If the CourseUser load had the ability to overwrite the Semester field in the Courses table when it ran, they could just have run another course user load after adding the semester to the Semesters table and it would have fixed it.

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    Angela Mott shared this idea  · 
  12. 5 votes

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    Angela Mott shared this idea  · 
  13. 9 votes

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    1 comment  ·  Ares Ideas » Addons  ·  Admin →
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    Angela Mott shared this idea  · 
  14. 24 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    related, it would be good to hear more from sites that would like this feature for students too.
    At the Access Services 2017 conference it came up that some sites also wanted the ability to email all students, but there was some discussion about the announcements/alerts feature on the web pages and confusion how/why an “email all students” feature would be used.

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    At the Access Services 2017 conference these were brought up:
    Want the ability to mass email all instructors from the client, and limit by:
    o All instructors w/ something on Reserve NOW
    o All instructors PERIOD
    o Limit by Media Type /Document type (ex. just everyone with video, etc.)
    o Limit by Processing Site

  15. 12 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    Examples of possible info in these reports:
    o List everything the instructor had on reserve along with usage counts for each
    o Physical Items often circulate via the ILS, so may need to look at “clicked on” to count these

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  16. 5 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    At the Access Services Conference 2017 it was brought up that sites with multiple processing and pickup locations would like to be able to easily get location-specific stats.

  17. 14 votes

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    Angela Mott supported this idea  · 
  18. 5 votes

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    Angela Mott commented  · 

    This also came up as a request at the Access Services Conference in 2017.

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  19. 11 votes

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  20. 6 votes

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