Duplicate classes in DataRow templates
Errors opening/sending some types of PDFs in the Client
Prompt instructors for Date Needed by when importing/cloning requests
Adjust note fields to fit content
Support for New Docline "NLM Unique ID" Requests
Multiple/Customizable Batch Printing Jobs and/or filters
Have a mechanism for handling LMS course merges, particularly when combined with course and user loads
Update Lender Billing Fields and Description on Transaction Form
Ability to delete and correct pdf - same as tif images
Users are created with stub accounts if not in UserValidation if the user can login via LDAP or RemoteAuth
The Ares seed script has duplicate entries for the same DocumentTypeValues. · started
Option to display course date and time in Ares · awaiting feedback
Page Count should understand en dashes as well as hyphens in the Pages field.
SAML multiple attributes (allow for multiple and to list those which are allowed)
Customize List of Queues in Route Button Dropdown List
Database fields - bigger, better, more flexible · partially released
Clear browser cache
Need more granular staff permissions for the Ares client.
Automate activities procedures