Prompt instructors for Date Needed by when importing/cloning requests
The Date Needed By field provides important data for managing workflow and assessing quality of service provided by Reserves staff (i.e., what percentage of requests are filled by this date). We require this field when instructors submit new requests and would like to also require (or at least prompt for it) when importing requests from a prior course. Currently the Date Needed By from prior semesters clone, which isn't useful for managing workflow or for assessing service.
Micki Behounek commented
The Date Needed By no longer clones, as of 4.7, but Grinnell college uses the Needed By field to prioritize processing and also would like to see this enhancement. The Needed By date should default to the first day of the course's start date and it should validate where it can't be later than the item's start date and has to be within the course's start and stop dates. (Kerry on behalf of Grinnell)
Gotcha, that makes a lot of sense.
Thanks! Genie