Customize List of Queues in Route Button Dropdown List
{Submitted by Kerry on behalf of customer}
UC Boulder would like the ability to customize which queues appear and in which order they appear in the Routing button's dropdown list in the ILLiad Client. The site does not use many of the default queues that appear in the dropdown list and wishes that it was possible to make their more frequently used queues easier to access.
They would like to be able to:
General Wishes:
*Suppress default queues.
*Rearrange the order of all available queues, without the forced separation between default queues and custom queues.
Unicorn wish:
*Have the ability to rearrange/suppress the Route button's list of queues be staff user-specific and considered part of a custom layout.
There are certain staff members who are responsible for very limited actions within the ILLiad Client and it would reduce the likelihood of staff error and make training easier for these staff users if they were only presented with the queues that were relevant to their needs when they use the dropdown button.

Anonymous commented
My lists are so long, that the efficiency goes out the window when I have to find something. Agree with every other comment, they are the same here.
Jacob Fontenot commented
LUU would very much appreciate this. Each dropdown should permit one alphabetized list.Custom queues are alphabetized so staff get frustrated that default queues on the same list aren't. ILLiad's big advantage is customizablilty and its lacking here and most affects libraries that use custom queues/transaction statuses.
Echoing all wishes by Kerry Keegan above.
ZeeZee commented
This is a very useful enhancement idea that will be appreciated by ILL staff.
K. Zdepski commented
This would be so useful! There are default queues that we simply don't use anymore (like "Awaiting ALA Request Processing" -- we aren't ever sending requests by mail), as well as queues that are used for IDS auto processes which staff would never route a request to. Having so many unused queues in the list can make it hard to find what you're looking for, and makes things unnecessarily complicated when training new people.
AUM also has student workers and Acquisitions staff who work in some limited queues, and it would be great to be able to set them up so they could only send to appropriate queues.
I agree that being able to integrate custom and default queue names would be useful from a user perspective, but would still like a way to easily tell which are custom and which are default. Maybe an asterisk or something after the custom names?