Support for New Docline "NLM Unique ID" Requests
Since New Docline's initial release, NLM has continued to add and refine features. One feature that has changed recently is an improved ability to handle requests based on NLM Unique ID. This is in addition to requests for articles with a PMID and "manual" requests.
Request by NLM Unique ID is great for requesting print books that NLM owns (since they are such a reliable lender) as well as for all journal articles that are not indexed in PubMed, but for which a journal-level bib record exists in NLM's LocatorPlus catalog.
In fact, New Docline's "Borrow - Unique Journal ID" now accepts searching by NLM Unique ID, ISSN, or even OCLC Number.
It would be great if ILLIAD would take advantage of this new request path type by allowing us to autofill the NLM Unique ID-driven form in New Docline. Currently, if we use this option, New Docline will pull the bib data from the LocatorPlus record for the journal, but we must manually copy and paste in the article info (title, volume, issue, pages, author, etc.). If ILLIAD could pull this data from the ILLIAD Borrowing Request Form, that would be fantastic!

Louis Wiethe @ DukeMed commented
Been after this for a while now. Would encourage people to use standard # instead of totally manual requests if there was a way to import article info after you've identified journal with NLM #.
Received via ticket 10233 "NLM added Journal Unique Identifier (UI) ordering for non-PMID citations, which will allow requests to route via borrowers' Automated Routing Table. Journal UI ordering can be initiated from Borrow menu, and from Journal search results, after a single journal has been selected.
In order to process it in ILLiad we have to click “Open Docline” and search for journal. When it’s done the blank form (without citation) appeared, but we cannot import the citation by clicking “Fill”"