Copy CourseValidation information to courses created via LTI
This site is setting up LTI and they have CourseUser Loads. They were wondering if a user and a course were created via LTI, would it pull over their information from the validation tables?
First, I found that if a user has validation information in the UserValidation table that is not specifically mapped in the LTIFieldMappings table (like phone, address information, etc), it WILL bring in that information from the UserValidation table during the user creation process when they come in via the LTI link.
However, I also found out that Course information that is in CourseValidation will NOT carry over into the Course when it’s created in LTI. It doesn’t seem to check there at all.
I think it would be a good enhancement request to have the webservice add any information from the CourseValidation table to the new course if it’s not specifically mapped in the LTIFieldMappings table though, so I’m putting in an Enhancement request for that.

Thank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. We’re happy to report that this request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release and information sent during Course loads can now update courses created via LTI. For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.