Kerry Keegan
My feedback
44 results found
4 votes
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
2 votes
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
2 votes
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
2 votes
Kerry Keegan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
52 votes
Kerry Keegan supported this idea ·
8 votes
Kerry Keegan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Several Alma sites would like to have the barcode field be importable during this process, include U Ottawa, HWS C, Brock U, Grinnell C, and more. Any sort of customized mapping solution would be helpful.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Thanks for the feedback - after our meeting we were able to establish a workflow with routing rules and edited print templates, but being able to select which items moved from Awaiting Stacks Searching to In Stacks Searching by Pickup Location or ItemFormat could be an interesting alternative that the Ares Product Team will review. -
3 votes
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
Prevent the Switch to Student Mode and Switch to Instructor links from appearing when not applicable 6 votesKerry Keegan shared this idea ·
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
The Ares Product Team is particularly interested in feedback about:
Instructor privacy concerns for entire lists. Should instructors be able to keep entire lists private? (Even from Full Proxies?) Should lists be visible (ie read-only), but unable to import without contacting the owner? Should inter-departmental lists have any different allowances/restrictions?
Instructor privacy concerns: individual items. Should instructors be able to restrict access to specific items?
Should Course Proxies be able to access shared lists?
How should instructor uploads of digital items be addressed? Should other instructors be able to use these? Download these? Is there a concern about privacy and personal copyright? What about items created using the IRFCreate.html WYSIWYG tool?
How should instructors search for lists? Should they be named in any way? Should instructors be able to browse through all, through those of their same department? Search by any item?
Should original relationships between item and lists be retained?
Should instructors be able to pick and choose individual items to be imported? If so, should these items still be affected by changes to the original shared list?
Should an instructor who uses another instructor's shared list have the right to edit any of the items? Delete the list?
How long should lists be retained?
How long should lists be searchable?
Should the library be able to provide similar, system-wide lists? Should any permissions be different for these? Any departmental or status restrictions?
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
From Janice Kahler in User Group We have an instructor retiring in December and I will have to manually clone over al of her items and courses to the incoming instructor so I asked for the instructor clone option
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
User Group results: Maybe 60/40 split to items versus courses. We'd love to know more! Please comment and vote.
1 vote
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
We could easily work this into the existing web forms using a wildcard field. We can definitely take this into consideration as a default option, but shoot us a support ticket if you want to work together to come up with an immediate solution. Once we get it figured out, we can share it in the Ares community, too. As a reminder, the email is:
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
We're also considering including the "Displayed Instructors" field on this form, so the course creator can list multiple instructors, regardless of their current registration status within Ares. If we did this, would we want this to trump any values that were coming through course and user loads?
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
1 vote
Kerry Keegan shared this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Hi folks,
I have a question about your request for improving sort order retention. If an instructor is going to clone just some items from a course, how would those items appear in the new course? Still in the same order, but at the bottom of the list? At the top?
Kerry -
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
This is a great idea and something we already offer in ILLiad and Aeon. What do you think about restricting the ability to delete users, courses, or items, based on staff permission level, too? I know you're always on top of these things, but just a reminder about the upcoming Virtual User Group:
Thanks so much for your suggestion. If you haven't already registered, please join us at the upcoming Ares Virtual User Group and we can discuss more ways to integrate your ideas.Ares Virtual User Group
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Register Here: you,
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas Systems -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Do you find that you're only deleting courses that are unused or empty? I'd worry about someone unintentionally mass-deleting records, even with a warning pop-up. I'd like to have an easier way to clean up records, like the ILLiad Database Manager, that would potentially have limited staff access, based on a Customization Manager key. What about these items? Is there a particular trait for items that you're consistently deleting?
I know I already invited you to the Virtual User Group on another response, but here's the registration info again, just in case.
Ares Virtual User Group
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Register Here: you,
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas SystemsAn error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
This is a great idea and we're hoping to include it in Ares 4.9 If you haven't already registered, please join us at the upcoming Ares Virtual User Group and we can discuss more ways to integrate your ideas.
Ares Virtual User Group
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Register Here:!
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas SystemsKerry Keegan shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Thanks so much for your suggestion. If you haven't already registered, please join us at the upcoming Ares Virtual User Group and we can discuss more ways to integrate your ideas.
Ares Virtual User Group
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Register Here: you again,
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas Systems -
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
Thanks for your comment. We'll discuss this as an option during an upcoming Ares Team meeting. If you haven't already registered, please join us at the upcoming Ares Virtual User Group and we can discuss more ways to integrate your ideas.Ares Virtual User Group
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Register Here:!
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas Systems -
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kerry Keegan commented
I'd love to go over your results with the rest of the Ares Product Team. Would you mind sending them to
Thanks for your suggestion!Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Atlas Systems
This would also be helpful for Western University, as they assign pull tasks for copies and loans to different sets of individuals and at different times. Being able to still use the convenient "find on shelves" button, while allowing staff to print only some of the pull slips that were routed automatically to Awaiting Stacks Searching, would be our preference. As of 2/2020, we implemented a complex routing rule series + "holding queues" to try and achieve this function, but it would be nicer if the program could just do it for us.