Hide "View this item" link for physical reserve items
On the Item Info page, it shows a link for this but it doesn't go anywhere.

Thank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. This request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release and is part of the new, default Item menu. This menu can be downloaded as part of the Ares 4.7 default web pages, but shouldn’t be uploaded until after you’ve completed the update (https://prometheus.atlas-sys.com/display/ares/Ares+4.7+Web+Page+Changes).
For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: https://prometheus.atlas-sys.com/display/ares/Ares+4.7+Release+Notes#Ares4.7ReleaseNotes-AresClient and contact Atlas to schedule your update.