Warning when cancelling a hard copy item if other courses still need it
When an instructor or staff person cancels a hard copy item, we need a way to know if this physical book is still needed on reserve for another current or pending course item. A popup notice or something like that would be very helpful.
For example, if a book is on reserve for several English courses, and one of the instructors decides to cancel their Ares item, we don't want to accidentally put the book back in the stacks since it is still on reserve for other courses right now.
We also wouldn't want to put a book back in regular circulation stacks if it was needed for another future course item and was already in a "Item Activation Pending" status.

Mike Paxton commented
University of Chicago seconds this - right now it's a bit clunky to see if an item is needed for more than one class. Having an automatic check would be helpful.
Angela Mott commented
Kim Nguyen at University of Winnipeg reports they are managing this for now by always including the barcode for hardcopy items in the Ares item record, and that way they could search in the Item Information box for the barcode and it will show all the Ares items that are referencing that barcode to help them see immediately if other courses are using that same hard copy reserve item.
This makes sense. We've talked about better tracking for hard copy items in general so this fits in with that.