Custom Paramaters for LTI integration to allow links to individual reserves items
At UMass Amherst we have an LTI integration between Moodle and Ares. Our support group gets frequent requests from faculty is to be able to link directly from Moodle to particular items in their Ares courses. It would be considerably more user-friendly to display a link in the LMS in the context of a week’s assignments rather than to have a single link to Ares (so that instructors then have to direct students to go find a particular resource in the eReserves items list for the course).
According the the Moodle tool tips on the LTI setup page, it should be possible to display only particular item(s) if the tool provider (i.e., you!) has enabled this feature. We would just need to know what custom parameter to use for an item. Their example is:
Our instructors would be delighted if you could provide these parameters.

Jenny Gelman commented
Our instructional designers just asked for this! Right now we use the Blackboard building block, but if this were available we'd have an incentive to move to LTI.