Default OpenURL journal genre to article form instead of loan form
Most examples of OpenURL with the "journal" genre are still article requests versus a request for a loan of the entire journal. Data would not be lost if we use the article request form instead.

R.A. Manning commented
I’m not sure if this is a separate issue, but we’re still fighting with the ‘unknown’ genre type OpenURL submissions. Defaulting to Loan works better for most requests, but article information is lost for others when the OpenURLMapping table sets genre ‘unknown’ to come in a Loan requests. Two fixes I’d like to see:
1) OpenURL should be able to parse the ‘unknown’ genre by the existence of pages in the rest of the citation information and determine how to import it (open the correct ILLiad form) based on the second bit of information.
2) Patrons should be able to swap a request between loan/article, and article/loan with a single click before submitting the request in ILLiad. (The information should automatically be moved to the other submission form without manual reentry of request information.)