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  1. Allow customization of which OCLC subfields populate requests

    OCLC has recently rolled out URIs in their various author/creator fields (100/700/etc.), which is causing many author names to be pulled into ILLiad with long website addresses that clutter our paperwork. It would be helpful if we could choose which subfields from OCLC records we wanted to import, so that we could suppress subfield 1 in the author field. Ideally, this would work both for the "Copy Info" button and for the mechanism that populates the OCLC request form, so that we could automatically avoid sending the URIs out to our lending partners as well.

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  2. Do not bring in Worldcat Identities URLs into ILL forms.

    These URLs are coming into the author field in our ILL loan requests. We have to delete them manually so that they don't mess up our printed labels. Can we stop these from automatically being imported into ILLiad?

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  3. Prevent borrowing renewal requests when the lending library will not accept them

    As a lender, FSU does not accept renewals and this is indicated in our notes, in the Client when we mark a request as Shipped and in the Policies Directory. In WSILL, the Renew option disappears when a borrower has exhausted renewal requests. There is no equivalent in ILLiad and borrowers can continue to send renewal requests regardless of settings and indicated preferences. Borrowers should not be able to request renewals when lenders have indicated they will not be accepted. (via KAK)

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  4. Allow borrowing library to update OCLC Status to RECIEVED if still in CONSIDERING status

    It would be really helpful if borrowing libraries could update the OCLC Status to Received if the lending library forgets to update the request to Shipped, but the borrower receives the item anyway. We then have to contact the lending library and hope that they update the status to Shipped before the request expires. Even having a warning message pop up in ILLiad when trying to check the item in that says the status is CONSIDERING would be incredibly helpful.

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  5. Connect to local catalogs in WorldShare

    We were formerly with an ILS that could be connected to within ILLiad using the Z39.50 option, but since switching to OCLC WorldShare's Discovery catalog there is no option to be able to search our local catalog within ILLiad. Atlas should consider adding an option for the Discovery tool to be added and work the same way the Z39.50 worked.

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  6. Show WorldShare's "Lost" button in received borrowing loan requests

    WorldShare has a "Lost" button that appears on all all Received loans (including overdue items and those in any renewal status, even renewal denied). When you click the "Lost" button, the item moves to "RECEIVED_MISSING" in OCLC, which makes it much easier for the lending library to close the transaction once they receive the replacement payment for a lost item.

    It would be helpful to have the ability to choose "Lost" on the OCLC record directly within ILLiad, in the OCLC ribbon alongside Complete/Receive/Not Received/Return/etc.

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  7. 9 votes

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  8. Recalled-overdue OCLC status should move to Awaiting Recall Processing

    When a borrowing TN has the OCLC status "Received-Overdue" and is subsequently recalled by the lender, the TN doesn't move. It should change to the Awaiting Recalled Processing queue so that staff knows it was recalled.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Warn or prevent staff from marking requests found after they have aged out to next lender in OCLC

    OCLC Lending requests remain in processing queues even when they have aged out and moved to the next lender (or are returned to the borrowing library unfilled, if the library is the last/only in the lending string). Staff are unable to filter by or see the OCLC status in grid views, so individual requests must be opened to see if a request is no longer in a CONSIDERING status and has aged (or even been deleted by or cancelled by the borrower). Requests may age out for various reasons while sites are continuing to retrieve/process requested items and it is…

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  11. End of the line Deflection

    When a library uses the following deflection:

    Requests: Loan
    Deflection Type: Enable Real Time Deflection - except when I am last in the lender string

    OCLC should bump past them in the string, but AUTOMATICALLY add them back to the end of the string of potential lenders.

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  12. Import complete information (esp. Publisher) from OCLC into ILLiad when sending request

    Currently ILLiad imports the title field from sent OCLC requests. It would be great if it imported more info such as the journal publisher. We are constantly asked for details of how many Publisher X or Publisher Y journal articles were requested through borrowing. We can't provide the info because the patron doesn't supply it and ILLiad doesn't import it (and manually doing it for our volume of requests is too time consuming).

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  13. Auto update for Custom Groups

    Auto update of Custom Group when using exact name of the OCLC Group Access Capability (GAC), such as ACOV. Manually adding individual codes for all of us seems redundant.

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  14. Canceling Lending request when OCLC request is Cancelled should not cause Connection Manager error

    Currently, if you use the Cancel option to Cancel a lending request when the OCLC status is Cancelled or Record not Found, it will cause a Connection Manager error. While staff can avoid the error by using the routing option to move the request to Cancelled by ILL Staff, it would be helpful if the Connection Manager or the Cancel option could be updated to avoid generating an error so that all Cancellation transactions can be handled in the same manner.

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  15. Skip Library Button

    It would be nice if there was an option to skip an institution in your lender string if it's been 3/4 days (for example) and the library has still not even opened the request. At present, if your patron is in a hurry, you have to cancel the entire ILL request and send out a new one to omit the library that is seemingly unresponsive.

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  16. Connection Manager

    Make sure the Connection Manager does a full check of the Pending status during each cycle run and not just after midnight or after a service restart. This is from ticket 10049.

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  17. 3 votes

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  18. Unfilled request process not canceling the OCLC request

    Check for any conditionals in the history. If a condition is denied from the last lender, the request will automatically update to unfilled. If the user then immediately creates a new OCLC request from the open request, the process to remove the existing OCLC request will not run. The work-around is to close the request after responding to the condition and open the request from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue. This behavior is similar to the Awaiting Request Processing queue where the options to create an OCLC request will only appear if the request is opened from the queue.

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  19. Have OCLC search default to serials *and* internet resources by default for journals

    Many electronic journals are classified as internet resources versus a serial, so both need to be selected in a search

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  20. Have doc type limitations on OCLC searching form to persist so they are saved

    When searching on the OCLC request search form and specifying document type limits, allow the client to save the setting selected

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