We pay a lot for ILLiad, I'd like it if you stopped making us pay extra for training videos and support (ie 'tune up'; concierge)
Customer service and support

Hi James,
Thank you for your feedback about the training and tune-up services.
Most issues can be addressed through regular ILLiad support channels and unlimited support for those needs is included in your subscription fee. Atlas offers optional training and project services to folks that need them for an additional fee so that we can provide more in-depth consulting than is included with your ILLiad software subscription through OCLC.
We offer a variety of free ILLiad training videos in addition to the paid subscription based set. I will work with our Content Manager on making those more easily found in the video training system.
Since this enhancement request is not directly product development related I am going to close it, but please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to discuss this further.
Thank you, Stephanie at Atlas