Add button for ebooks or ebook chapters in ILLiad in addition to article & loan

Brynne Norton commented
This is very much needed -- it would be great if the OpenURL could push ebook requests directly to an ebook form.
Alison Mortensen-Hayes commented
Yes! It would be amazing if the current book request form had the following options:
What format will you accept? (check all that apply): Ebook, Physical Copy, Other (place comment in notes), Any -
Anonymous commented
Hi Louis - Thanks for the question. I'm looking for OCLC to recognize that ebooks are a standard resource now in libraries and that patrons want and use them and that they are part of the resource sharing network. By adding a button for ebooks that includes a form with book information (instead of journal info) it becomes a standard workflow instead of an exception or workaround. I think it would encourage more libraries to lend/borrow ebooks if the button was there and therefore increase access to resources for patrons.
Louis Wiethe @ DukeMed commented
What would the button do that is different from the way we deliver articles now?