Enable automatic Odyssey coversheets for borrowing
There is currently a function that allows a custom coversheet to be inserted automatically before Odyssey sending for Borrowing & Document Delivery, but not for Lending. It would be great from the lending library’s standpoint since we’d be more compliant in terms of copyright & licenses if we could include the Title 17 notice there, and any usage restrictions. It would also be great for the borrowing library’s standpoint since Odyssey is a more direct delivery method than Article Exchange

Dzintra commented
We need to add copyright/licensing statements for articles we send to other libraries. Technically we are not allowed to send articles without this. We can do this easily for scanned from print articles (by scanning the pullslip whch we have customized to include the copyright statement), but not anything sent via the Electronic Delivery Utility which are usually downloaded from e-resources.
Alison Mortensen-Hayes commented
Whoops! I meant Enable automatic Odyssey coversheets for Lending, not Borrowing. Sorry for the confusion