Bring Back UNDO Shipped for all requests
Is it possible to have the ability to UNDO Shipped brought back, or have another way to undo a request?

Yuko Shinozaki commented
I am still able to "undo" shipping, however the option is somehow only available for a very limited time. After 1-2 hours, the option is no longer there to click. At least that is how our ILLiad behaves. I would like to see unlimited "undo" shipping.
Anonymous commented
This is very important since borrowing libraries are charged when the lenders updates to ship.
Heather Black commented
from Cassie on ticket 10213
"We use this feature pretty often. This is our only way to fix mistakes when a request is accidentally shipped as a loan when it should be a copy. We can undo the shipping and then scan it so it sends through odyssey normally without having to manually send it. Or, when we are trying to fix mistakes with the Alma/NCIP addon. If a staff member or student forgets to add the bar code to a request in ILLiad there is now no way to fix it or any NCIP checkout errors that might come up in the error queue. We use quite a few students here so we occasionally see mistakes especially at the beginning of each semester when we are training new students. This also helps when fixing other minor issues that come up from time to time. Without this feature, we are getting stuck when these things come up and have to come up with other workarounds. "
Kel Karpinski commented
This please! It's extra work for both the lending and the borrowing institution to resolve this. We don't do a lot of volume, but I can't imagine places that do this must come up more often and no one has time for that.