Extend database field length for ReasonsForCancellation DefaultNote
Many of our cancellation notices to patrons need to include more information in the DefaultNote field than can fit in 255 characters. Some examples: If a patron requests a book held by one of our branch libraries, we will tell them that we placed the request on their behalf, and also include instructions for how they can do so themselves in the future. Or if we purchase a book for our collection on behalf of a patron, we explain that we purchased the book, tell them how they'll be notified when it's processed, and give a general timeline.
Even if it's not possible to extend the character limit, it would be really helpful if the Customization Manager could generate an error message when we enter a DefaultNote that's longer than 255 characters. Currently, it will accept the longer value (and even show the longer value when you close and then reopen the Customization Manager), but the actual cancellation email will just truncate the note, which is not at all the expected behavior.