Allow the CreationDate field to be added to loan and article pull slip templates
It isn't currently possible to add the CreationDate field to the loan and article pull slip templates because that field is not included in the xlsx datasource columns. Can this be fixed? Having the CreationDate field on pullslips would make it easier to know which printed requests are close to expiring and need immediate attention.

Angela Persico commented
I'm trying to test out the Transactions_InProcessDate field, but it's in the format 20210125, which is a little annoying. The date also doesn't appear to display consistently. Some slips showed the date and others were blank. Any suggestions or ideas?
Katie Wallis commented
You can use Transactions_InProcessDate for this. We added that field to our hold slip templates. It's worked well for us. We had the same idea, wanting to be able to tell when they expire. I got this answer from asking on the ILLiad listserv.