Stop the Electronic Delivery Utility from trying to deliver hidden files/files that haven't fully saved yet
We recently set up an external software to add OCR to our files; the workflow is to save the files to an input folder, and for the software to process the files and move them to the OdysseyTemp File folder for Electronic Delivery Utility to update ILLiad and deliver. This should work really well -- except Electronic Delivery Utility frequently tries to deliver the files before they have fully saved. It fails, and then will not try to process the files again unless you close and re-open the program.
We've also seen Electronic Delivery Utility fail to deliver larger files, probably for the same reason -- the files took more time to save, and failed to send initially.
Making it so Electronic Delivery Utility does not try to send hidden files would solve this issue, and allow us to provide better files to our patrons with less staff intervention.

William Francis Boland commented
Do you have it set to auto mode? I believe if you turn that off, it would solve your problem. You could also save your files in a different folder and then move them to the your send folder when ready. It'd be an extra step though.