Allow staff to customize which transaction statuses are displayed under each heading in the patron interface
I would like more customizable display options for transaction statuses in the patron interface. For example, once a patron clicks the "Renew" button, the request disappears from their checked out items list until the renewal is processed and routed back to checked out to customer. I would like items in the Renewed by patron status to also appear under the checked out heading.
We use a lot of custom queues and would like to be able to manage where requests display in the patron interface.

Jenny Vitti commented
We use a custom queue, “Awaiting Overdue Resolution,” for items that are still checked out to patrons but which we’re planning to bill shortly. We’d like those to show up in the “Checked Out Items” section of the ILLiad homepage along with items that are actually in the “Checked Out to Customer” queue. (I tried editing the DisplayStatuses table to show “Awaiting Overdue Resolution” as “Checked Out to Customer,” but it kept the requests listed in the in bottom/in process section of the homepage.)