Do not move MailToAddress transactions to Awaiting Customer Contact when patron is blocked or item is Library Use Only
At present, if a patron is set to HoldForPickup, checked in Loan requests go to In Transit to Pickup Location and can be moved to Awaiting Customer Contact manually or via routing rule while if a patron is set to MailToAddress checked in Loan requests go directly to Awaiting Customer Contact.
This is fine for the majority of materials, but not ideal for items that are restricted to In Library Use Only (which we will not mail to patrons regardless of their preference) or for items for Blocked patrons (who need to return materials before we'll send items again).
We've had to institute some elaborate work arounds, which are not ideal. Can you either make it so that transactions for MailToAddress patrons don't skip the In Transit to Pickup Location step, or stop requests with these attributes in some other way so we can send the correct type of notice after checking the item in?