Have ISBN Search populate the fields on the webrequest form
The old GIST webpages for ILLiad had a function that allowed a patron to enter an ISBN into a search box on the webrequest form, search for the item, and have it populate the title, author, etc.
Mark Sullivan commented
This script can be added at the bottom of the LoanRequest.html file.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#search").click(function () {
var isbn = $("#isbn").val().trim();
if (isbn === "") {
alert("Please enter an ISBN.");
}var apiUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=isbn:" + isbn;
$.getJSON(apiUrl, function (data) {
if (!data.items || data.items.length === 0) {
alert("No book found for this ISBN.");
}var book = data.items[0].volumeInfo;
// Extract the first available ISBN (either 10 or 13)
var foundISBN = "N/A";
if (book.industryIdentifiers) {
var isbnList = book.industryIdentifiers.map(id => id.identifier);
foundISBN = isbnList.join(" "); // Include all ISBNs if available
$("#LoanTitle").val(book.title || "");
$("#LoanAuthor").val(book.authors ? book.authors.join(", ") : "");
$("#LoanPublisher").val(book.publisher || "");
$("#LoanDate").val(book.publishedDate || "");
$("#ISSN").val(isbn); //Change isbn to foundISBN if you want a list populating the ILLiad ISSN field
$("#LoanEdition").val(book.contentVersion || ""); // Google Books doesn't always provide a formal edition
$("#LoanPlace").val("N/A"); // Place of publication is generally not available in Google Books API
}).fail(function () {
alert("Error fetching data. Please try again.");
</script> -
amunds commented
Could this work like the DOI or PMID resolver? We've recently added those to our webpages and the feedback has been positive.