Fix the "Illiad Authentication" Checkbox so it Does not Automatically Enable itself when Saving a New User Record
Leaving the ILLiad Authentication checkbox unchecked/unchanged when creating a new user will default the user to ILLiad Authentication type.
Leaving the "ILLiad Authentication" checkbox unchecked/unchanged while creating a user in the Client still defaults to ILLiad Authentication when the user is created, even though the option is not checked when saving. This bug has been around for awhile with no fix in sight. Can this please be addressed in a future Illiad release? No one can remember to go back and uncheck that box constantly.
This is currently logged as Bug# 12841

Michael Pritz commented
This is one of those small but absurdly annoying things that can wreak a lot of havoc if left unaddressed
Jordan hormel commented
^^ Agreed. This constantly adds overhead to our user management activities and inconveniences the system administrators... A resolution would be greatly appreciated.