Improve functionality of the patron's search results webpage
We would like to see improvements to the ILLiad search results webpage. These improvements would benefit all users, but particularly those users with a large number of requests or lengthy user history. Some suggestions provide by users:
A method to reorder results in ascending and descending order.
A method to limit/filter results by various values, such as Document Type.
A method to limit/filter results by date received and/or date finished.
A method to sort requests alphabetically, such as by title or author.
Jenny Vitti commented
It's possible to hard code alternate sorting options into the tables. We sort Electronic Documents to put the PDF received most recently at the top (based on TransactionDate), and we sort Checked Out Items to put the item due first at the top, but you can sort ascending or descending by a variety of fields. See the "orderby" part of each line of code below. This is not something that patrons can set individually, but our user testing indicated that these two changes have made the default display much more useful to those with a large number of requests.
<#DATAREPEATER name="ElectronicDelivery" TemplateFile="templates/DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html" orderby="TransactionDate DESC" noDataAction="You have no electronic documents.">CHECKED OUT ITEMS:
<#DATAREPEATER name="ViewRenewCheckedOutItems" TemplateFile="templates/DataRow_CheckedOutItems.html" orderby="DueDate ASC" noDataAction="You have no items checked out.">