Ares Ideas
11 results found
Upload Video Files to Ares - allow for streaming This has being coming up a lot of us recently where faculty are actively asking for streaming versions of things. The problem we face is that we don’t have a great place to host streaming files at the moment. We are mostly using licensed streaming content from Swank or Kanopy, but we have run into issues with things we need to host locally. We have used Avalon and Panopto as solutions for hosting streamable content, but neither solution are ideal for us at the moment. It would be great if we could upload streaming content to Ares directly, much like…
14 votes -
12 votes
Option to store multiple documents for a single item This keeps the site from having to manually combine them into a new single document for storage with the item.
10 votes -
Termination Date Some of our streaming resources have license dates that have to be tracked. we need to be able to track this information to make decisions about whether to renew licenses or not. Please add a date "license ends" date field for these scenarios.
5 votes -
Allow Ares to store & display Preferred Name Allow Ares to store & display Preferred Name. This information could be received from Student Information System or added later in Ares system. Ares needs to be able to handle this field in the Client and DB and also be able to display the PName in the UI. This option should be backward compatible with existing data/DB.
4 votes -
Additional ItemInfo fields We would like to have 5 additional ItemInfo fields added to the items table, 2 of which would be date formats for license data of streamed content. So we would have license StartDate and license EndDate for these items
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Increase the length of the ItemBarcode field NYU would like to be able to encompass the barcodes for multiple volumes within the ItemBarcode field and the current character limit is preventing this. Increasing this limit would be greatly beneficial.
2 votes -
Convert Ares to use UTC time This would allow the times to display correctly for each site's time zone regardless of where the SQL server is hosted.
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2 votes
Set end date for full proxies. Many faculty only need a particular full proxy for one academic year, but there's no way in Ares to indicate when their access to the instructor's material should end. This is problematic for copyright and also because Ares addresses all emails to instructors AND their full proxies, which means proxies may get emails about all sorts of irrelevant courses after their work with the faculty member has ended. Having the option to set an end date (or end semester) would be very helpful. The full proxies could either be purged on that date or simply flagged for review.
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