Way to clone several items into multiple courses (sections) at once
They have course designers contact them telling them they want course so and so set up with the items from last fall and there will be a ton of sections of that new course. So staff pull up one of the old courses, and select all the items and clone them all into each of the new courses one by one, which is very tedious.
Maybe there could be a better way to apply a shared list to a whole bunch of courses at one time?
Maybe there could be a way to create a shared list by cloning a list of items TO a shared list?
Or some other process that would help them do this more efficiently?

This request for a way to clone several items into multiple courses at once was fulfilled with the release of Ares 5.0 Release notes with details are available in our documentation: https://support.atlas-sys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043293134-Ares-5-0-Release-Notes.
Thank you for your support.
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead
Togu Oppusunggu commented
This problem is probably the single highest user of time and repetition in our workflows, as our staff is responsible for cloning into courses of very many sections at the beginning of each semester.
David Taylor commented
Set up the cloning dropdown box to parse hyphens for ranges and commas for single courses. Just like selecting pages in a printer menu.
Julia Clement commented
Shared lists work great most of the time, but we find them to be an issue with new faculty. They often start off using the readings from other sections, but want the flexibility to add/remove readings as they develop their courses. By the end of the semester the new faculty's reading list might vary significantly from the shared list.
The tedious part of the cloning for us is the amount of time it takes for the system to clone items. The actual act of cloning is easy, but once we hit the clone button, it takes the system quite some time to finish cloning. Right now we clone to one course, wait wait wait, clone to second course, wait wait wait, etc. It would be nice to be have a checkbox next to courses in the cloning search box that can be selected. Or be able to add course IDs separated by a comma or space. That way it is one click and let the system do its work while we move on to something else.
Jenny Vitti commented
One way this might work: under the Clone menu, allow users to select multiple courses from the table that shows up when users perform a search -- either add checkboxes to each row, or allow Ctrl+click for selecting multiple options -- and then once all were selected, press OK and have items populate all selected courses. It might be nice to make the window that contains the table a little larger (taller, specifically) so users could see more classes listed at once.
P.S. I don't use Shared Lists, so I'm talking mostly about cloning items either from a course or from the item search results screen.
Colin Bragg commented
I'd love to be able to add an item to multiple courses after clicking on Clone one time. Once the Clone window is open, the cross-listed Course IDs could possibly be typed into the Course ID field and separated by commas.
I rarely use the Search feature in the Clone window - I always go ahead and perform a search by instructor or Course ID to pull up the relevant cross-listed courses.
Anne Marie Lyons commented
Some courses have many sections, which are treated as separate course records. Items have to be cloned to each course one at a time. If there are a lot of items to be cloned, the system can hang for up to a minute. It takes a considerable amount of time to finish the cloning for all of the sections. This behavior occurs on both the web and in the client.