Option for staff to get email when a new item is created
Not at the beginning of the semester (which would overload staff), but later on when items are just trickling in.

Anonymous commented
This would definitely allow us to maintain an efficient workflow so we can process existing requests while keeping track of incoming ones. When we get into the system and are involved in completing tasks it's not easy to stop and check the queues.
Donna commented
Our music library is wanting to use Ares for their streaming and reserve books but receive a small number of requests, therefore to be able to get an email for newly created items would be amazing. I especially like the idea of being able to turn it on and off.
Barbara commented
We would love this enhancement at our institution. Agree. We don't need it at the beginning of a semester but later as things trickle in. I like the idea that it could be a button that we turn off and on as needed.
Hilary Thompson commented
This is not something that we would want for our main library, but our branch libraries have been requesting this functionality for a while (given their relatively small volume). They would want it turned on all the time. Site by site configuration would be great.
Kathleen Hand commented
We are in the process of training faculty on how to enter their reserves, and having a notification would ensure that we don't miss new items. Especially as we train ourselves as well.
Lingling Jiang commented
For multiple sites, it shall allow staff to get email alerts for all sites or a particular site.
Lingling Jiang commented
Agreed. please allow staff to turn on/off for their own accounts.