alma barcode lookup addon
Add both ShelfLocation and PubDate to the Ares Alma Barcode Lookup addon by default. Right now these can be added by adding this code to the DataMapping.lua file:
--start snip here
table.insert(DataMapping.FieldMapping["Ares"], {
MappingName = "Location",
ImportField = "Item.ShelfLocation",
ObjectType = "item",
ObjectMapping = "location"
table.insert(DataMapping.FieldMapping["Ares"], {
MappingName = "PubDate",
ImportField = "Item.PubDate",
ObjectType = "item",
ObjectMapping = "dateofpublication"
-- end snip here
and then adding ",Location,PubDate" to the end of the list of fields in the Fields to Import setting in Manage Addons.

New addon version is available in Ares Addons Directory as of 3/2/2020.